
Aware of the importance of every detail, we take the utmost care in our designs and surfaces, allowing their application in all types of furniture and interior decoration. The perfect solution for kitchens, bathrooms, home and contract.


Discover the latest trends in kitchens. We offer you a wide range of designs and all the necessary components to make your kitchen projects a reality: doors, modules, countertops, panels, etc.

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Get inspired with some bathroom furniture ideas. The design, sustainability and resistance of our surfaces allow us to develop the most innovative proposals.

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ALVIC surfaces and components are versatile and their high quality allows them to be applied to any wall covering or piece of home furnishing.

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Quality, resistance and high design come together in our surfaces, allowing the construction of unique contract projects. We offer you innovative, sustainable and trendy products which adapt to suit any style of interior design.
Retail, offices, hotels… let yourself be inspired by our wide range of designs and products.

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